Stepping up for a Decade of Action and Delivery: Global Role Models.
Updated: Dec 9, 2022
Amsterdam, December 2020
The Global Compact Network Netherlands and Athalos took the opportunity to strengthen the alliance and the commitment to mobilise youth and communities, following the Company becoming a member of the UN Global Compact just a couple of months ago. The enhancement of the signed MoU to jointly advocate for collective action in support of the SDGs, maximising the impact on inclusivity and equity as life issues faced by the diverse populations around us.
This signing ceremony also formally launches Athalos’ own Social Impact Roadmap around inclusivity and communication. Communication is one of the most powerful tools to incite passion, bring people together, and communicate important messages about the development agenda on a massive scale. Being able to communicate is a fundamental right everyone has, but many are unable to use. So this signals that those that have the ability to communicate, need to do so responsibly, so our Global Ambassador Programme is a platform for those that can communicate, to speak up for those that cannot. The power of communication presents a unique platform for collaboration between all sectors of society, to invest in children, our planet and in communities as the smartest way to invest in society as a whole and by developing innovative partnerships and collaborations, the UN and the Business Community can bring many others into the implementation on delivering on the Global Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda.
“We now see ourselves as a Goalkeeper of the SDGS and Athalos is fully committed to both implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals and keen to build that with our own Stakeholders and communities in the course of Company’s Business operations and special initiatives”. Stated Mr. Martijn van der Ven, Chief Executive Officer.
Speaking on this occasion Ms. Linda van Beek, Executive Director of the Global Compact Network Netherlands highlighted that the initiative around role models demonstrates that every member of society has a role to play in improving and changing people’s lives.
“While the COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis, let us not forget that climate change and growing inequalities continue to shake the very foundations of business and of humanity. Now more than ever, business can and should play a central role in societal transformation,” said Ms. Ojiambo in her concluding remarks at the UN Leaders Summit
Marco Swan, Program Manager GCNL commented “Working together and to embrace and implement UNGC Principles and SDGs is clearly the way forward as we strive to build back better and recover stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic. There has never been a better time to align with likeminded people and use the power of partnerships and of communications to bring us all together. This innovative approach in engaging people to become role models and to connect people through a collective gives stronger meaning to the driving inclusivity and accessibility. And in a world that has seen a lot of upset this year, it's refreshing to see how people still play a relevant role in bringing us together”
About Athalos Athalos - We Empower People - One Number, One World Athalos is a global communication solution provider, offering a unique World Number phone code which is independent of geographical location. With it’s leadership on Tech 4 Good, innovative techniques, working practices and ideas have long been the standard bearer for other operators to follow. The format of the Ambassador Programme goes beyond to deliver greater impact and a lasting connection between those that have been marginalised, excluded or have limited or no access to communications tools as a tool for social change. The Athalos philosophy is embedded in the Ambassador Programme in empowering people and business, all over the world. Athalos helps people, businesses and charities to communicate globally in an easy, transparent and accessible way via their Global Acces Services.
Contact Athalos Céline van Aalst: PR and Communications Manager Email: Find out more:
About the UN Global Compact (UNGC) The United Nations Global Compact is a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. Under the Global Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labour groups and civil society. Cities can join the Global Compact through the Cities Programme. The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability (a.k.a. corporate social responsibility) initiative with 13000 corporate participants and other stakeholders over 170 countries with two objectives: "Mainstream the ten principles in business activities around the world" and "Catalyse actions in support of broader UN goals.
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